Baby food recipes

Being SAHM (for the moment) allows me time to read up and prepare for JCH's food at home instead of buying instant from the markets. Let me make this clear that I have nothing against buying instant from the markets. This is the same issue as breastmilk versus formula milk. Nothing is absolute right or wrong. We mommies just want the best and give the best to our babies in our ability. Its just that preparing food for JCH is fun to me, and to watch him eat what that I've prepared, makes me giggle with happiness. :P So I would prefer to do his food hands on.

This page will be a page to share the book(s) and website(s) that I've read and are helpful for mommies in understanding about our babies' eating development - from first foods at weaning interface (4-6 mths), to them being more adept and able to take coarser food qualities (6-8 mths), progressing to intermediate eaters (8-10 mths) and finally at the better end of the eating training spectrum (10-12 mths).

The following sources provides varying degree of information for us to understand the nutritional needs of our babies as they progress and grow, and in some source(s) also share some ways to use the excess foods that we've prepared for our babies, to transform the extra quantities to food for adults (save the wastage and allows for easy preparation of food for baby and family).

As a side note, with all the hype on pesticides and foods, most sources would recommend organic foods. So if you can, go ahead and grab organic fruits and vegs. If not, NTUC or Cold Storage are good too. I have noted through my readings that most fruits and vegetables for baby's first foods are usually the least contaminated by pesticides.

But of course, as with all information we get on the web, it is always imperative that you consolidate the information, and to always check with your child's paediatrician as and when you feel necessary. As good as the advise and suggestions might be, it is always good to do a check as and when its necessary for you, as the paeds always have the most updated understanding and development in the reign of babies health and wellness.

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Super Baby Food (Book)
I would recommend mommies to read up on Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron. Got to know about this book through the church's course for pretoddler-hood, when the kind lady shared her collection of baby food books with us. It is a very helpful book for all starter mommies as the author inserts references almost at every place that one would need it, taking into how forgetful we all may get after being drained from work, house work, taking care of baby and family. Its tough juggling all these roles! So while the book may look thick (a total of 593 pages including index), its really quite easy to go through. Click on the above title, it links to Ruth Yaron's site for the book and shows a picture of the book. So far I've only managed to find this book in Kinokuniya. May be if any of you bought this book from any other places in SG can leave a comment, so that I can update this info.

Momtastic's Wholesome Baby Food
This is one website that I would visit a lot. Its recommendations on the foods to feed babies are close to Super Baby Food (refer above), plus it gives additional recipes for young babies (especially useful for JCH now). The additional recipes would allow moms to combine singular foods and give her baby a great tasting journey after the baby has shown to be able to tolerate the singular foods. It also displays some nutritional properties of each singular fruits/vegetables of a given proportion, good for the mom who monitors closely her baby's diet. I am not quite done with this site yet, so go along and explore! It has colourful solid food charts that mommies can print out and paste on the walls as colourful and lovely reminders, or save and display as computer wallpaper in this era of paperless living (I printed tho~!ha!).

Joy In My Kitchen
Fellow blogger! I like her website for the simple to make recipes, and the range of tried and tested recipes for all ages. Its through her blog that I first have the notion of transforming the excess puree as a baby food to that of a family food. I'm still trying though, first try not that good..ha! Good for all mommies with kid(s) of all age range, or just for any one who likes to prepare food at home.

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