Thursday, January 30, 2014

馬年快樂!! Happy Horse Year!

So sorry for leaving my blog to abandonment. It is just so difficult for me to sit down and write a post properly without any interruptionsssssss.  Bah!! I have recently started to pen down my thoughts on Dayre and you can follow me at =)

Typing on Dayre is so much easier. There is the emoji that helps me to express a look that only maybe one long paragraph can convey. Plus the fact that I can just type or share pictures any time of the day, only to have Dayre put them all together to form like a day's post is so much better for me. I can just type/post picture/post quote/post emoji without having to press the "EDIT" button to edit the entire post, and then re-post the entire post, and maybe find my re-post kena stuck and hence losing my entire day's effort of blogging. Dayre just update automatically each time i post a short write. Its cool! Try it!

Anyway, Happy Horse Year!! According to the Chinese calender, today is the last calender day. In another about 1hours' time, we will be ushering in the year of the Horse (and its a Water Horse at that!). How the Horse and Water year comes about has to do with the 5 main elements and the 12 zodiacs in Chinese culture. The 5 main elements being: Gold (金), Wood (木), Water (水), Fire (火), Earth (土), and 12 zodiac signs being: Mouse (鼠), Ox (牛), Tiger (虎), Rabbit (兔), Dragon (龙), Snake (蛇), Horse (马), Sheep (羊), Monkey (猴), Chicken (鸡), Dog (狗), Pig (猪). In one round of elemental cycle, there will 12 years, eg now is currently the Water element cycle, and going onto the year of Horse. Once it comes to the end of Water Pig, the Fire Mouse will be welcomed next.

For a quick update of what's been going on that I would leave this space untended for so long. Since my last post, it has been quite a hectic time of preparing for Elias' birthday celebration which took place on 19Jan14. Handmaking all the favors (and no one took it home in the end!!) and all the deco from scratch really takes time. Thank God for his provisions and sustenance, for ensuring I have enough raw materials for the preparations, and for keeping me free from sickness despite clocking sleep times of 2am or 3am, and having to wake around 830am. I am someone who needs a sleeptime of 9hours, and usually going anything 6hours and lower for one week, I will be terribly sick. So really thankful for Him keeping me well and going, and getting some help when outdoor errands need to be run.

And straight after Elias' birthday, there is no time to lose!! Need to redeco the house for CNY!! Oh gosh!! Plus all the things to pack, clean, and throw. Another time of late sleeps but I actually can't be bothered. Its like I read somewhere, everything is a priority. But I need to settle the important priorities first then go on to other priorities. Like, I need to keep the house clean yes. But I need even more to spend time with my baby. So I leave the bottles washing to night time, when Elias is asleep. Morning bath items are usually left till he takes his afternoon nap then I wash them up. When he is awake, is the time that I can spend time with him. No point wasting that awake time to do chores, and sit by a sleeping baby later right? Needless to say, with so many chores to handle, there are times when I have to leave him playing by himself in the play yard. But thankfully he kinda like understand that mommy is really busy. So during the height of all busy-ness, he is really well behaved. It is only during this week when the major chores are all completed and I spend more time sitting around him that he starts to bargain for our (yes not only mine, but his DadDad's as well) attention!

And now, I need to sign off before I'm done becos there is some work to do!

Happy Celebration!